
Showing posts from November, 2020

Quality Education During COVID-19

    CourtesyofSasinTipchai/Pixabay Quality Education During COVID-19             Education, one of the most important aspects of living. Because in here we learn the basics and challenges of living in everyday life. In these times, education is in grave danger for everyone because of Corona Virus Disease.             The Department of Education proposes a modular system of learning whether it is printed or online. The Government of the Philippines approved it by studying it because education must still go on even the pandemic hits us . Education in these times is very hard because it is self-learning. There are no teachers in front of us teaching . Many students were left behind because of the negative effects that came to them like the internet connection, far places and schools, lack of funds and trust to the Government and many more. This leads to an online rally or rants on social media to

Towards A More Resilient Philippines

CourtesyofJunPinzon/istock Towards A More Resilient Philippines       Philippines, one of the riches and reproductive country back in the day but now one of the poor countries because of its problems. These problems caused too much to our county that made us swim in suffer and pain. Now that this pandemic hits, we are currently working hard to fight back and live again the life we had before.       Covid-19 also known as Corona Virus Disease, made the entire planet to move slow causing the economies to shut down and now we face a very big problem. Our leaders and the experts implemented health protocols for us to be safe. It did help to control the spread of the virus.  The virus is so strong to defeat but we fight back. This pandemic we became more faithful, creative and reproductive that made us resilient Filipinos. Currently, the economy has been opened slowly to support our daily lives again