
Showing posts from March, 2021

My Second Quarter's Short Reflection

  a.       I have learned that using notepad is hard. I need to memorize the specific tags and attributes when using it. b.       My problems are slow internet connection and reliable sources of information to study about the lessons that I encounter. c.        Find great source of internet connection and use my neighbours books to cope the challenges I’m going through. d.         Be better and be better until I improve. And when I improve I’ll make the best out of it. II   Image retrieved at I I i, jI

When Love Meets Pandemic

  When Love Meets Pandemic             Valentine’s Day, named after Saint Valentine a Catholic Priest who lived in Rome in the 3 rd Century. It is celebrated every 14 th of February every year. This is being celebrated to appreciate the couple’s love for each other. Valentine’s Day is not only for couples but also for friends, family and other people.             But this pandemic, no one can stop celebrating Valentine’s Day. It’s vital to celebrate this occasion especially in this times. Instead of going out with love ones, they bond with each other inside their homes or in front of their phones. It used to be ordering steaks in restaurants, now you have to cook your own food. Gifts like roses, chocolates and other kinds of gifts are made “DIY” or “Do It Yourself.” People stay at home and make their own Valentine Rooms. Instead of watching in cinemas, they stay in their bedrooms and watch Netflix.             Keep on mind, we can still celebrate any kinds of occasions. But we