


Ecosystem, where all living and non-living things live. It is where they interact. Living as a society that helps one another. But because of human’s destructive behavior, lots of ecosystem’s treasure were destroyed. Some species decreased, some became extinct in all complete devastation not only for the animals and plants but also for us humans.

Lets enhance public awareness of today's critically important environmental issues, and educate people to make conscious eco-friendly decisions and lifestyle choices. We work closely with educators, influencers, conservation NGOs, volunteers, and government organizations to raise awareness about these issues, inspire and educate the next generation conservation leaders, and support on the ground conservation works by organizing volunteering and fundraising initiatives. In our own simple ways we can still restore what we took for granted. Participate in any environmental related occasions. Be a citizen of nature, act as a role model.

            In all lets all work together. This is not only for the sake of natur but it is for the sake of all living and non living things.

image retrieved at https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.indiatvnews.com%2Fnews%2Findia-world-environment-day-theme-host-and-significance-524990&psig=AOvVaw1eE3jCyqb0Wtn1ZWpiR2t-&ust=1625643061642000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAoQjRxqFwoTCNjXmr32zfECFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ


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