Preparedness, Safety


Preparedness, Safety

            Disaster preparedness refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of disasters. It is to respond effectively to the impact of likely, imminent or current hazards, events or conditions. One effective way is the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill program of the government that is conducted every year.

            National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill is important to all. This is to ensure how quick we react immediately and appropriately to earthquakes. This will help us counter dangers before, during and after an earthquake. This will train our physical and mental aspects of what will we do and what will happen in earthquakes. Drills help us to see how well things operate and to correct any problems. It must be exercised periodically to refresh memories and educate newcomers.

            We live in an earthquake country and it’s a matter of when, not if, the next damaging earthquake will strike. Prepare our families safety and recovery from a devastating earthquake. Find out ways to survive an earthquake. Safety does not lie in our hands. Perhaps it lies in every hands that we put together.


  1. Great article. I like your explanation how important the earthquake drills are. Good job!


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